Datum: Fri 02/11/18 | Aanvang: 20:00
SOIRée met beeld & klank
* 20u15 – Maaltijdsoep met een streepje muziek
* 21u – LIVE concert
…. j̶o̶z̶e̶f̶æ̶l̶e̶k̶s̶æ̶n̶d̶
this night, they will present their newest fresh track
patch000 _ _ _ made out of old nord modular
software some other open source kid ported to mac
os _ _ _ rumours go they will also bow a guitar & play
on some old empty WWII bullet sleeves entre autres_
* 22u – FILM
1] Chapter Zero (Line Haseldonckx, 2018, 7′)
2] Chappaqua (Conrad Rooks, 1967, 82′)
* 00u – Klappei-café
CONCERT: Valium Desarace (Hongkong / Brussels – BE)
Music : Residential Occult Sluts
Performance : Le Hashishin (Earth)
Visuals : Hakken Beuken (Antwerp – BE)
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