Datum: Wed 23/10/19 | Aanvang: 20:15
Op deze drie avonden wordt er i.s.m. Doculatino een documentairefestival georganiseerd. Het thema is ‘Tracing the ICT-chain’.
Every year, up to 50 million tons of electronic waste – computers, television sets, mobile phones, household appliances – are discarded in the developed world. 75% of this waste disappears from the legal recycling circuits, with much of it being dumped illegally in the Third World, where it destroys landscapes and harms lives. This film takes the viewer on a journey of investigation to Europe, China, Africa and the US and reveals a toxic global trade fuelled by greed and corruption.
Regisseur: Cosima Dannoritzer | Duur: 86 min. | Land: Sp/Fr | Jaar: 2014
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